JS Park
Front-End Developer & Designer
Hello! Please call me JS. I worked at a tech company as a developer & designer for 4 years. My work varies from modern front-end development to UI/UX, graphics and creative coding. I did rapid prototyping in both design and code, architected and maintained web applications, build graphics automation process and more. I also did various media art projects on the side, focusing on experimental web features and interactions. Originally based in Seoul, I am now looking to relocate for new adventure. Please check below for more information ↓
Front-End Developer
Bookipi (2023-PRESENT) -
Member of Web Experiement Group
HHHA - hejhellohalloannyeong (2021-2023) -
Front-End Developer & UI/UX Designer
Polle Inc. (MAR 2020-MAR 2023. Seoul) -
UI/UX Designer Intern
Polle Inc. (JAN 2020 - FEB 2020. Seoul) -
Graphic Designer Intern
Zicto Inc. (JUN 2018 - AUG 2018. Seoul)
Bachelor of Computer Science
Korea National Open University (2021-2023. S.KOREA) -
Bachelor of Visual Communication Design
Minor in Media Interaction Design
Ewha Womans University (2015-2020. Seoul) -
Exchange Student
Hong Kong Baptist University (2017. Hong Kong)
Featured in <It’s Nice That>
Dive into the random, genius, alphabetically-organised world of HejHelloHalloAnnyeong’s web design experiments -
Featured in <Design Magazine CA #261 - Website Show>
Online Experimentation. Interaction, Sound, Visual inspiration. -
Be a speaker at the Q/A session <T/SCHOOL 2022: Typography in the Digital Era>
- Migrated MAU 50k web application to Next.js from a Rails based web application framework.
- Created a personalized gift generation system by using user database and graphics software.
- Contributed to three major version updates of a React Native-based mobile app by designing, prototyping, and developing new features.
- App Store ↗
side project
- Developed web based game application for the exhibition <Project Hashtag 2023>(lab B) in the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea.
- About the Exhibition ↗
- Participated in the exhibition <The Post Modern Child> at the Museum of Contemporary Art Busan as a member of web experiment group HHHA. * Book unrecommendation for children with arduino, thermal printer and web.
- Website ↗
- Website ↗
- Developed a portfolio website for an architecture company with Cargo web builder.
- Website ↗
- Studied C Language, Data Structure, Algorithm, Linear Algibra, Computer Graphics and Network System. * Built sorting algorithms, dynamic array data structure, hash functions, and an ORM framework for MySQL using the C programming language.
- code ↗
- Participated in designing the core logic for a restaurant search, recommendation, and ranking system.
- Developed custom vector map tile for the Mapbox GL JS renderer with raw OpenStreetMap, S.Korea government geo-database.
- Built draggable list view library with React Native.
side project
- Be a speaker at the Open Source Architecture Analyse Semina, presenting <Mapbox GL JS Architecture Analyse>
- presentation ↗
- script ↗
- Parcitipated in the <Alphabet Project> which received award in the Communication Design - Digital category at Korea Design Awards 2022.
- Project Archive ↗
- Developed and Designed a self-defense class website for women using WordPress.
- Website ↗
- Built an interactive wallpaper for the queer community that collects tweets with campaign hashtags and visualize, using the Twitter API and p5.js to encourage participation.
- Website ↗
- Built swipeable tab view library with React Native.
- Contributed to three major version updates of a React Native-based mobile app by designing, prototyping, and developing new features.
- Developed and maintained the web application made with Rails based framework.
- Website ↗
- Worked as a graphic design intern, responsible for various editorial and graphical design projects.
side project
- Designed and Developed university design graduation artworks archiving website with WordPress.
- Built a data visualization of YouTube’s ‘recommended videos’ with p5.js, Flask and TinyDB. The project crawl the data from the YouTube website through a search keyword input and visualize the results of the videos and their recommendations.
- Website ↗
- Created various editorial, graphics and media art pieces during my time at university. * Archived the buildings located in Seoul and organized them by various factors such as age, space and law
- Video ↗
- Video ↗
- Website ↗